Executive functioning

Tackling Procrastination

Tackling Procrastination

Pressure can produce hyperfocus

Procrastination is a strategy that can create an environment that can get things done

Brain chemicals crank things up and help get the job done

Those brain chemicals are called adrenaline and cortisol - the ones our brain uses in survival mode, when in  distress, or when we are experiencing stress

Try to make sense of why you are procrastinating:

Ask yourself:

What is getting in my way of starting sooner?

What have I been doing instead of __________?

What is it about this particular task that is making it so tricky to get started on?

Some root causes of procrastination:

The task is boring, length or repetitive

The task is intimidating or you don’t know where to start

You feel like you don’t have it in you

Try to brainstorm ideas for how you might do thing differently

Use a key executive functioning skill:  Mental Flexibility

-Add something that can engage you while you do the boring thing

-Chunk it down - do the first step

-Find someone you can use to help with accountability - a friend or a coach

-Start a rewards system with an immediate win

-Tell your coach, a friend or a family member why you are avoiding the task -

Make it known

-Manage your energy - find a good time to work on the task

-Carve out a specific time for the first step of your task - keep your energy needs in mind

-Make it REAL - put it on the calendar and tell someone - make the commitment

Executive Functioning


Executive Functioning Skills are skills that support goal directed behaviors.

Coaching is designed to help ANYONE who has challenges with executive functioning - time management, prioritization, productivity, planning, organization, tasks, follow-through, and problem solving, as well as, sustained attention and working memory.


ADHD is a neurobiological condition.

ADHD students and adults have difficulty with Executive Functioning Skills.

The Executive Functioning Deficits impair the brain’s ability to regulate itself.

Students and adults with ADD or ADHD have difficulty with Executive Functioning Skills such as time management, organization, timeliness, lack of self-management, staying focused, structure & routines, planning, and follow through.

Coaching will help YOU manage these deficits.

I am Coach Sandi and I work with ADHD clients helping them take advantage of their gifts by providing Executive Functioning based o ADHD coaching for motivated high school and college students, adults and professionals who face challenges that can be managed through guidance and accountability.

Contact Coach Sandi at emc2org@mac.com to set up a free 15 minute consultation.