
Tackling Procrastination

Tackling Procrastination

Pressure can produce hyperfocus

Procrastination is a strategy that can create an environment that can get things done

Brain chemicals crank things up and help get the job done

Those brain chemicals are called adrenaline and cortisol - the ones our brain uses in survival mode, when in  distress, or when we are experiencing stress

Try to make sense of why you are procrastinating:

Ask yourself:

What is getting in my way of starting sooner?

What have I been doing instead of __________?

What is it about this particular task that is making it so tricky to get started on?

Some root causes of procrastination:

The task is boring, length or repetitive

The task is intimidating or you don’t know where to start

You feel like you don’t have it in you

Try to brainstorm ideas for how you might do thing differently

Use a key executive functioning skill:  Mental Flexibility

-Add something that can engage you while you do the boring thing

-Chunk it down - do the first step

-Find someone you can use to help with accountability - a friend or a coach

-Start a rewards system with an immediate win

-Tell your coach, a friend or a family member why you are avoiding the task -

Make it known

-Manage your energy - find a good time to work on the task

-Carve out a specific time for the first step of your task - keep your energy needs in mind

-Make it REAL - put it on the calendar and tell someone - make the commitment

ADHD & Adults

ADHD can persist into adulthood.

It is a condition with sensory overstimulation and easy distractibility.

One with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on one conversation and ignoring others.

ADHD is not a disorder, but rather a condition - it is a disability, but also a heightened ability.

Use your ADHD to your advantage and focus on the positives.

Study Skills

Lack of structure and the act of sitting down to study is extremely difficult for students with ADHD.

Be sure to have various places to study. One place might be a bedroom with a desk or a loft area with a desk, another could be the kitchen table, or the library. The key is to find a comfortable environment. Change up where you study.

Have a plan for which tasks need to be completed and when. Use a calendar to log your daily to-do list.

Make sure you have all the tools needed to study - paper, pen, pencil, notecards, highlighter.

Sit or stand to study - whatever works best for you.

Be in a quiet environment, use classical music as background noise, or use a noise cancellation devise.

Sensory Overload

Something I just read about was entitles “Coping with Sensory Overload.”

What is Sensory Overload?

When one or more of the 5 senses get flooded with information. The brain cannot process all the information coming in.

Individuals with ADHD can become so overwhelmed that they shut down avoiding certain social situations, becoming quiet and withdrawn, or leaving a social gathering.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is collaboative.

Coaching helps with accountability & changing behaviors, and helps you to better manage your time.

Do you have difficulty with any of the following?

Time Management - Organization - Difficulty starting & completing projects - Chronic lateness

Missed deadlines - Poor management of responsibilities - Prioritization - Lack of self-management

Meeting your goals - Staying focused - Structure & routines - Planning - Follow through

If so, Coaching will help you manage these behaviors and move you toward reaching your goals.