Envision Your Future Self

Who is the person you want to be?

Believe that you can do it

This is the year of ME

Create a Focus

Push until you’ve gotten to where you want to be

Tiny continuous improvements

Follow SMART goals



Achievable - being realistic about what is positive

Relevant - something that matters to you

TimeBound - time in future when you will be done

You can nvere get to where you want to go from your comfort zone

What time choices do you need to make so you can have what you really want?

Failure come from making excuses

80% of Success is showing up

Make the choice to show up for what you really want

The more you accept responsibility for your choices, the easier it gets

Stop participating in toxic talk

We are the choices we make

Make your r4esolution a non-negotiable commitment in your life

Focus on how far you’ve come, not on ow much you have left to to

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