Living with Clutter

Living with clutter can cause stress and impede your sense of well-being

Tidiness can be learned

Figure out what level of neatness works for you

Don’t strive for unrealistic goals

Design a system in which you can find what you need and which supports you and your organizational goals

Ask yourself what is standing in your way & making you indecisive

Figure out the reason why you want to be organized

Decrease the amount of stuff you have and edit what you have

Decide what to keep and what to let go of by asking yourself:

Does this add value to my life?

Is this item worth the space it takes up?

My mantra: If it takes 30 seconds or less, just do it.

Organizing tips:

Don’t buy more bins or baskets until you have edited your space

Don’t buy more bins & baskets just to store more stuff

Put things away immediately

Invest in organizing items to fit your needs

Go thru your stuff frequently

When you organizing things a little at a time, the task becomes less daunting