Working Memory

Think about your computer. It has a storage system for all the things we create. Our brain has working memory which is a place for storing thinks we want to remember. When we have things to do, our working memory holds or stores this information long enough for us to complete a task.

We also have long term memory in our brain which becomes the more permanent form of storage. It is able to stay there when we do it repetitively .

When individuals have ADHD, short term working memory can be problematic. Distraction causes interference with working memory, as does the lesser amount of capacity in the ADHD brain to hold information needed to remember and to perform tasks.

That is why individuals with ADHD or learning differences find it hard to rely on their working memory and have difficult holding this information.

Some things that can help improve working memory:

-Create to-do lists

-Use of a calendar (I recommend one that is visible and bold)

-Work with professionals: therapist, coach, tutor