Situational Variability

Individuals with ADHD are able to focus on things they like. The ability to engage and perform tasks comes easily if the task or activity is of high interest to them. As opposed to low interest activities which can be extremely daunting.

Due to dopamine levels being low, an ADHD person is not able to do certain tasks even if he or she knows it is easy and quick. The ADHDer is in a state of hypo focus. It has been described as “trying to move a car when the engine is turned off.

For interesting tasks, the opposite is true. Hyperfocus gets turned on and it is sometimes hard to stop or change gears.

David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue Airways, states “I have an easier time planning a twenty-aircraft fleet than I do paying the light bill.”

Situational variability is influenced by the situation or context. Therefore, it creates a conundrum for ADHD individuals.